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Energy and the Environment

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  1. Introduction
  2. Transport Fuels
    5 Topics
  3. Energy Sources: Fossil Fuels
    8 Topics
  4. Energy Sources: Renewables
    10 Topics
  5. Electricity
    10 Topics
  6. Energy Sources: Nuclear
    6 Topics
  7. Demand Response
    6 Topics
  8. Energy/Emissions Policy
    15 Topics
  9. Energy Economics
    2 Topics
    1 Quiz
Lesson Progress
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Fracking resources & wastes

Environmental Impacts of Fracking

  • Gas or fracking fluid can seep into underground aquifers and contaminate water suppliers
  • Gas can seep to the surface and contaminate surface water
    • can lead to the contamination of drinking water around a fracking site
  • GHG emissions from leakage and from the use
    (combustion) of the