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Energy and the Environment

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  1. Introduction
  2. Transport Fuels
    5 Topics
  3. Energy Sources: Fossil Fuels
    8 Topics
  4. Energy Sources: Renewables
    10 Topics
  5. Electricity
    10 Topics
  6. Energy Sources: Nuclear
    6 Topics
  7. Demand Response
    6 Topics
  8. Energy/Emissions Policy
    15 Topics
  9. Energy Economics
    2 Topics
    1 Quiz
Lesson 8, Topic 14
In Progress

Methods for Measurement

Abdulaziz July 19, 2020
Lesson Progress
0% Complete

Method 1 default values for emissions factors (EF) and energy content (EC) are applied to quantities of fuel

Eij = (Qi x ECi x EFijoxec) / 100


Eij is the emissions of gas type (j), (carbon dioxide, methane or nitrous oxide), from fuel type (i) (CO2-e tonnes).

Qi is the quantity of fuel type (i) (tonnes).

ECi is the energy content factor of the fuel (gigajoules per tonne) according to each fuel.

If Qi is measured in gigajoules, then ECi is 1.

EFijoxec is the emission factor for each gas type (j) (which includes the effect of an oxidation factor) for fuel type (i) (kilograms of CO2-e per gigajoule) according to each fuel.

Method 2 – same as 1 however EC & EF use test results from sampled fuel sources, tested in accordance with approved standards / laboratory method

Method 3 – same as 2 but with sampling also completed in accordance with approved standards

Method 4 – Constant emissions monitoring ( CEM) or Periodic Emissions
Measurement (PEM)

Criteria for measuring fuel consumed

  1. Criterion A – Invoices
  2. Criterion AA – Invoices corrected for stockpile adjustments
  3. Criterion AAA – Direct Measurement at Point of Combustion
  4. Criterion BBB – Measured in Accordance to Industry Standard
  5. Incidental Reporting

Emission calculations

CO2eq(fuel) = Q(fuel) x [ [ ECF(fuel)] x ([EFCO2] + [EFCH4] + [EFN2O] ) ] /1000

CO2eq – Carbon dioxide (equivalent) emissions (tonnes CO2e)

Q(fuel) – Amount of Fuel (use units to match units of ECF)

ECF(fuel) – Energy Content Factor for relevant fuel (from Schedule 1, MD)

EFCO2 – Emission Factor for CO2 for relevant fuel (from Schedule 1, MD)

EFCH4 – Emission Factor for CH4 for relevant fuel (from Schedule 1, MD)

EFN2O – Emission Factor for N2Ofor relevant fuel (from Schedule 1, MD)

Schedule 1

Measurement Determination

Fuel Factors

Example Calculation

Calculate the CO2 equivalent emissions from the combustion of
250,000L of LPG

CO2eq(fuel) = Q(fuel) x [ [ ECF(fuel)] x ([EFCO2] + [EFCH4] + [EFN2O] ) ] /1000.

Calculate the CO2 equivalent emissions from the combustion of
980,000 GJ of Natural Gas

CO2eq(fuel) = Q(fuel) x [ [ ECF(fuel)] x ([EFCO2] + [EFCH4] + [EFN2O] ) ] /1000.