Lesson 7 of8
In Progress

Supporting Materials

Abdulaziz June 30, 2020


Use the project rubric to review your project. If you are happy with your submission, then you’re ready to submit your project. If you see room for improvement, keep working to improve your project.

Submission Template

Use the submission template at the bottom of this section to submit your project. After filling it out, save it as a PDF and submit the PDF in the next section. You may also include your Alteryx workflow if you’d like. If your submission does not meet specifications, having the workflow may help the review identify mistakes.

Workflow Template

Use the Alteryx workflow template to help quickly get started with the project. For the sake of the reviews consistency, you must use this Alteryx workflow.


credit-data-training.xlsx – This file contains all credit approvals from your past loan applicants the bank has ever completed.

Project Checklist

This is here to make sure you know the concepts necessary to complete the project and that you know where to go find answers if you need help. If you do not feel confident in the topics addressed please review the course material or reach out on Knowledge or Study Groups!

  • Showed right calculations
  • I Checked the rubric
  • I have gone to knowledge group before I start

To Download Files below please right click on the link and select “Save Link As”

Supporting Materials