Environmental Impact

Abdulaziz · June 30, 2020

 Price: $1.00 You are not yet enrolled in this course. 


Companies may only see the control of environmental impacts as a necessary expense but anticipating future environmental legislation could provide companies with a market lead.

Environmental Pollution [Converted]
"What has now become clear is that the push toward decarbonisation will be one of the major drivers of global and
national economic growth over the next decade, …..and the economies which embrace the green revolution earliest will
reap the greatest economic rewards."
Gordon Brown
Former Prime Mister of UK

  • If we don’t develop green processes then could China and India beat us to it?

Leaders of industry need to understand the framework under which they can best operate and how threats such as climate change may change that in the VERY near future.

Course Description

Students should understand:
  • The legal and financial framework governing environmental management systems related to air quality and climate change
  • the National Air Quality Strategy
  • Air pollution prevention and control and the concept of Best Available Techniques.
  • The concept of integrated environmental management systems as applied to the process and aviation industries.
Students should be able to:
  • Locate and evaluate the state of local air quality using the Automatic Monitoring Network for a variety of receptor locations.
  • Use the above tools to evaluate by means of case study analysis, the impact of major industry on air
  • quality.
Course work

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19 Courses

+167 enrolled
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Course Includes

  • 10 Lessons
  • 8 Topics